Thanks to the renowned Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps and other celebrities like Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow, the practice of cupping is once again back on the beauty and wellness scene. Cupping is a long-time recognized treatment across various parts of the world during earlier times, especially in East Asian cultures. This form of therapy is almost forgotten, but it is a relief that it resurfaces again. Even beauty brands have started to offer affordableFacial Cupping Sets to meet the ever-increasing demand of the people who want to try the treatment themselves.
However, most people are only hopping into the bandwagon out of pure curiosity and fascination after seeing the famous “cupping marks.” I mean, anyone will undoubtedly want to know how cupping users get those big bluish-purple circles on their backs and shoulders. Still, it is better to thoroughly understand why availing tools such as a facial cupping set is worth your money and effort.
First things first, what is Facial Cupping?
Having large bruises on your back in exchange for a healthier body is fine, but rough cupping marks on one’s face are a whole another story! Besides, who would want to look like they have been punched with a gigantic fist on the face? This is why numerous people are hesitant to push through the treatment even though they badly wanted to try it. They often thought that they could not go out with a face full of purple circles after the procedure.
So that you know, each of those assumptions is false. In contrast with back cupping that the suction cups are static, facial cupping uses a much gentler vacuum cupping set that is continuously moved. With the squeeze-release technique and the continuous gliding motions during facial cupping, you can rest assured that you won’t have to worry about any marks afterward. The only matter that you must expect is its incredible benefits. Read on to the next section to find out more.
Skin Benefits of Using a Facial Cupping Set
If cupping does not show results worth trying, the hype around the trend should have died a long time ago. Yet, we all know that this is not the case because up until today, more celebrities are now into Facial Cupping and users are swearing by the treatment. So, what does it do, especially for the skin?
Reduces Puffiness thru Better Circulation
Better circulation holds the most buzz among all cupping benefits since an improved circulation prompts more favorable results like reduced puffiness. Unnecessary puffiness of the face can sometimes be bothersome when you have to go to important events, or worse- an awaited date. With facial cupping, the massage/motion stimulates the muscles and drains the fluid build-ups. This way, the puffiness subsides, leaving you a more toned and well-defined facial feature.
Makes Wrinkles and Fine Lines LESS Evident
The repetitive motion and the vacuum effect during a cupping session can produce wonders similar to a facelift. The Facial Cupping Treatment softens common skin aging signs like fine lines and wrinkles, making the skin look plumper. Moreover, the reduction of tension and tightness due to the muscle’s relaxation largely contributes to the release of most expression lines resulting in a younger-looking face.
Stimulates Collagen and Elastin
As we age, our collagen production slows down, and we become prone to more skin-aging symptoms. Topical application of skincare products containing additional collagen peptides is commended, yet facial cupping is as effective. This treatment stimulates collagen and elastin that are both essential to promote skin rejuvenation. When there is an increase in collagen level, our skin tends to be more elastic and moisturized, allowing a firmer, radiant appearance.
Improves Absorption of Facial Products
Each person has a collection of facial skincare products that they use in hopes of enhanced skin. If you ever decide on trying cupping treatment, your skin will absorb these products easier! Because of the better circulation around the face, nutrients will not have a hard time penetrating the skin. More delivered nutrients mean healthier skin!
Get started with this Skin Treatment using Zone365 Beauty’s Facial Cupping Set!
If you are on the hunt for the most amazing vacuum cupping set deal, Zone365 Beauty is the brand to check out! Unlike other options in the market, Zone 365’s 8-in1 Facial Cupping Set is a complete package. The cupping kit includes 5 cups of varying sizes to cater to a different area of the face. It also comes with a facial cleansing scrub for light exfoliation to prep up the skin before the treatment. Lastly, you will receive a 0.25mm derma roller made of Titanium that you use for micro-needling to stimulate the collagen further and enhance product absorption on the skin. And do not worry; the cups are made out of 100% Medical-Grade Silicon resembling the durable professional cupping set that facilitators used on mild skin. Without a doubt, this is a worthwhile investment that you can use for a long time. Not to mention that all of this is made affordable, so everyday consumers can also experience the treatment without breaking the bank.
Aside from its reasonable price point and impressive set of cupping tools, Zone365 Beauty offers a handful of efficacious, organic, and cruelty-free skincare products like all-natural facial serums. The brand’s skincare product line is full of plant-based formulas that are all sourced using a sustainable farming method. By doing so, the company is able to produce chemical-free skincare products with minimum to none at all negative impact on our nature.
It is Always Better to Experience Things First-hand
You can read as many reviews as you want about facial cupping; although if you would not try it yourself, you will always be doubtful if it genuinely works. Thus, there is no other way to figure it out but to experience the treatment first-hand and verify its benefits. Are you looking for a user-friendly vacuum cupping set to try? Visit Zone365 Beauty for more details!